2020. 2. 12. 01:55ㆍ카테고리 없음
This is a batch file that I have made fairly recently that is a cold war simulation. It took two days to complete for me because half of the script is based on the other half. Please tell me if there are any errors in the script and I will fix them. @echo off color 0c title TOTAL WAR!!! Echo Welcome to Total War, created by Vincent Allain. Pause:players cls set player= set replay= echo.
Set /p player=Select 1 or 2 player mode: if '%player%'1' goto name if '%player%'2' goto p1name goto players:name cls set name= echo. Set /p name=Please type in your name (One word): if '%name%' goto name rem Easter Egg: if '%name%'Vincent' goto win:country cls set country= set enemy= echo. Echo Welcome%name%!
How To Make A Batch Game With Graphics
This is a redone version of i made of the game. Why does it crash whenever i input a number??!!
@echo off color de title Micah's TRIVIA echo. Echo - echo. Echo Welcome to Micah's TRIVIA!!!!! Echo - echo.
Set lives=3 pause cls:question1 echo lives=%lives% echo Question 1: echo What Is My Middle Name? Echo - echo.
How To Make A Text Based Game In Batch
Randell echo 3. Andre set /p MiddleName =C:/ if%MiddleName%1 goto incorrect1 if%Middlename%2 goto correct1 if%Middlename%3 goto incorrect1 goto incorrect1:incorrect1 cls echo That was an incorrect answer! Pause goto question1:Correct1 cls echo Thats right!!